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Using nano-tech membranes to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at a 10X higher efficiency than current methods

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Our mission

At EcoCapture, our mission is to make climate change a thing of the past and lower its effects for millions across the world. To do this we need to address the already high concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere in addition to preventing even more emissions. 

With MXene membranes, we have created a way to filter and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while creating no new emissions Learn more about our product and how we plan to transform the climate tech industry. 

The drawbacks of current methods

We all know the looming threat of climate change and how important it is to solve increasing CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere. Current ways to address this, such as direct air capture, however, are not without their faults

Energy intensive

Direct air capture technologies require substantial amounts of energy electricity for capturing, transporting, and storing carbon dioxide. These facilities may require as much as 400 to 800 kWh of electricity per ton of CO2 captured. This energy demand could increase greenhouse gas emissions if derived from non-renewable sources, undermining their environmental benefits


These systems can be very costly, mainly due to the high energy requirement mentioned previously and the cost of infrastructure. For example, constructing direct air capture facilities may range from $94 to $232 per ton of CO2 captured. These expenses pose significant financial challenges for widespread implementation without substantial support or incentives.

Limited versatility

Direct air capture technologies require significant space for their infrastructure. Their facilities need ample space for the deployment of air intake systems, CO2 capture units, and storage facilities. This space requirement can pose challenges, particularly in urban environments where land availability is limited and carbon dioxide concentrations are high.

Revolutionizing CO2 capture with

Mxene membrane Technology

Low Energy 

Unlike other carbon dioxide removal technologies, EcoCapture membranes require zero electricity to capture CO2 from the atmosphere. While energy would be needed to produce the membrane and transfer the gas, we can ensure that it would come from non-carbon emitting resources to preserve our environmental impact. 

Low Cost 

In addition to low operational cost due to their energy efficiency, our MXene membranes can be manufactured at scale using cost-effective production methods, further contributing to cost savings compared to the complex and resource-intensive infrastructure required for direct air capture facilities.

High versatility

EcoCapture membranes can be integrated into a wide range of environments due to their size, including industrial settings, urban areas, and remote locations. Because they can operate in climates 20 - 100 degrees Celsius (68 - 212 Fahrenheit), they are able to efficiently work in some regions year-round.

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